Would you like to learn an easy way to set up a vegetable garden? Try A No Dig Garden!
No dig gardening is an easy, low cost way to build fertile soil to grow healthy plants and vegetables. This is done by adding layers of organic material on top of existing soil or grass which decomposes and becomes humus then soil.
Good for you and the environment
People are becoming motivated to start vegetable gardens due to higher food and fuel prices, the desire for healthy organic food and economic necessity. You can learn more on our benefits page. We offer two short films plus a step by step guide for how to create a no dig garden bed yourself or in a neighborhood or community effort.
Our Goals
To get this free information to as many individuals globally as possible. We would appreciate your help in sending our website address to friends or putting the link to the website on any websites where you think it might be helpful to others.
Learn more about how you can help

No Dig Gardening in the U.S
My partner, Doris Groves, and I have a small veganic and organic farm in Brooksville, Maine where we grow vegetables and have a small orchard. We teach the no-dig gardening concept to neighbors and our wwoofers. W.W.O.O.F stands for Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms and involves a work trade. We provide room and board and instructions on how to grow food organically in return for them working 3-5 hours a day five days week on our farm.
We also offer four types of lodging. If you are interested in seeing pictures of our farm or learning more about lodging we offer or what we do, please go to www.sweetdogfarm.org